
How To Choose RedM Server Hosting? Requirements & costs

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RedM Server Hosting: The Complete Requirements Guide


Setting up a RedM server requires careful consideration of hardware requirements and hosting options. This guide will help you make informed decisions based on your server's expected size and type.

Basic Requirements

Minimum Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows Server 2019 or Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 recommended)
  • CPU: 4 cores @ 3.0+ GHz
  • RAM: 8GB DDR4
  • Storage: 50GB SSD
  • Network: 100 Mbps
  • Ports: TCP/UDP 30120 and 40120
  • Operating System: Windows Server 2022 or Ubuntu 22.04
  • CPU: 6 cores @ 3.5+ GHz
  • RAM: 16GB DDR4
  • Storage: 100GB NVMe SSD
  • Network: 1 Gbps
  • Ports: TCP/UDP 30120 and 40120

Server Sizes and Requirements

Small Server (Up to 32 Players)

- CPU: 4-6 cores @ 3.0+ GHz
- RAM: 8-12GB
- Storage: 50GB SSD
- Network: 100 Mbps
- Estimated Cost: $15-30/month

Ideal for:
- Testing environments
- Small communities
- Basic roleplay servers

Medium Server (32-64 Players)

- CPU: 6-8 cores @ 3.5+ GHz
- RAM: 16-24GB
- Storage: 100GB NVMe SSD
- Network: 1 Gbps
- Estimated Cost: $40-60/month

Ideal for:
- Established communities
- Standard roleplay servers
- Servers with moderate script load

Large Server (64-128 Players)

- CPU: 8+ cores @ 4.0+ GHz
- RAM: 32GB+
- Storage: 200GB+ NVMe SSD
- Network: 1 Gbps
- Estimated Cost: $80-120/month

Ideal for:
- Large communities
- Heavy script usage
- Complex roleplay systems

Resource Usage Guidelines

RAM Usage Breakdown

Base System: ~4GB
OneSync: ~2GB
Per 32 Players: ~4GB
Basic Scripts: ~2GB
Complex Scripts: ~4-8GB

Example for 64 Players:
Base (4GB) + OneSync (2GB) + Players (8GB) + Scripts (4GB) = 18GB minimum

Storage Requirements

Base Installation: ~20GB
Standard Resource Pack: ~10GB
Custom Resources: ~5-20GB
Database: ~5-10GB
Logs and Updates: ~10GB

Recommended Extra Space: 50% of total usage

Hosting Options

Dedicated Game Server Providers

- Easy setup
- Managed services
- DDoS protection
- Technical support
- Optimized for gaming

- Higher cost
- Less control
- Limited customization

Recommended Providers:
- ZAP Hosting
- GTXGaming
- Host Havoc

Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

- Lower cost
- Full control
- Customization options
- Multiple uses

- Manual setup required
- Technical knowledge needed
- Self-managed security

Recommended Providers:
- Vultr
- DigitalOcean

Dedicated Servers

- Maximum performance
- Complete control
- No resource sharing
- Best for large servers

- Highest cost
- Complex management
- Technical expertise required

Recommended Providers:
- Hetzner
- Psychz

Setup Recommendations

Basic Server (32 Players)

# server.cfg example
sets sv_enforceGameBuild 1436
set sv_maxclients 32
set onesync on
set mysql_slow_query_warning 100

Resource Management

Recommended Startup Order:
1. Core Resources
2. Database
3. Framework
4. Essential Scripts
5. Additional Scripts

Memory Allocation:
- Set explicit memory limits
- Monitor usage patterns
- Plan for peaks

Performance Optimization

Script Optimization

-- Example resource metadata
resource_manifest_version '44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937'

-- Recommended settings
fx_version 'cerulean'
game 'rdr3'
rdr3_warning 'I acknowledge that this is a prerelease build.'

-- Resource dependencies
dependencies {

Database Optimization

-- Example MySQL configuration
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 4G
innodb_log_file_size = 512M
max_connections = 100

Cost Considerations

Monthly Cost Estimates

Small Server (32 Players)

Game Server Provider: $25-35/month
VPS: $20-30/month
Dedicated: Not recommended

Medium Server (64 Players)

Game Server Provider: $45-65/month
VPS: $40-50/month
Dedicated: $80-100/month

Large Server (128 Players)

Game Server Provider: $90-120/month
VPS: Not recommended
Dedicated: $120-200/month

Additional Costs

DDoS Protection: $10-30/month
Backup Storage: $5-20/month
Control Panel: $8-15/month
Domain Name: $10-15/year

Best Practices and Tips

Resource Management

- Start with essential resources only
- Monitor resource usage
- Implement resource start order
- Regular cleanup of old data

Backup Strategy

Daily Backups:
- Database
- Server configuration
- Custom resources
- Player data

Retention Policy:
- Daily: 7 days
- Weekly: 4 weeks
- Monthly: 3 months


Key Metrics to Monitor:
- CPU usage
- RAM usage
- Network latency
- Script execution time
- Database query times

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Performance Issues

- Resource monitor usage
- Script timings
- Network latency
- Database query times

Memory Leaks

- Memory usage over time
- Individual resource usage
- Server restart requirements


Choosing the right hosting solution for your RedM server depends on several factors:

  1. Expected player count
  2. Script complexity
  3. Budget constraints
  4. Technical expertise
  5. Growth plans

Always plan for:

  • 20-30% extra capacity
  • Regular maintenance
  • Backup solutions
  • DDoS protection
  • Future expansion

Additional Resources